January 2025

Dear Churches and individual supporters,

I trust that you had a good holiday with family and/or friends. May God work in our lives in a wonderful way this new year.

1 Corinthians 1: 3, 4- The God of all comfort… in all our tribulation… that we may be able to comfort. God has been there all the way to comfort, strengthen, encourage, and provide through this journey. We have been able to witness and encourage or be encouraged by people in Bulgaria, Greece, on the plane to America, and in the hospital here in Jacksonville, Fl. Had we not gone through this situation, we most likely would not have ever met these people….

September-October 2024

Thank you for praying and financially supporting us in the endeavor to reach Bulgarians for Jesus, our Lord and Saviour!

We arrived back on September 11; and Thursday, the 12th, was our first service since leaving for furlough on May 7th. The church was glad to be with us again as were we with them. Directly after the service one man named Christo Atanasov came to me asking when he could be baptized. He had started coming to church before we left and now he has assurance of salvation and desires to follow Christ in baptism. I made the announcement the following Sunday and two more ladies raised their hand to follow in believer’s baptism. This is all good news that I am grateful to be able to report to you…

July-August 2024

Hello again dear brothers and sisters,

On 8/1/24 I got word from Bro. Kiril Asenov, the Karnobat church treasurer, that all is well and services are going good. He and the other three brothers are taking turns on Thursdays while on Sunday mornings the guest preachers are coming and preaching. He said they are anticipating our return, which is obviously a precious thing to hear from the people you are trying to mentor and minister to. When I wrote last I mentioned that we had been to 7 churches. Now we have visited and updated 35 churches in NC, GA, TN, VA, MD, PA, and are currently in SC. at our previous pastor’s house, Bro. Karl and Mrs. Pam Baker. Bro. Baker has taken us fishing twice and we caught a total of 24 catfish…

May-June 2024

Hello from the States!

Thank the Lord we arrived without any issues on May 7th at the Orlando airport. Our son, Josh, and Emma, his wife, were there to pick us up. Four days later we had the oppurtunity to attend our nephew’s wedding at The Bible Baptist Church in Deland, Fl. May 15th, Wednesday evening, was the first church to report back to on this furlough. That was Victory Baptist Church of Valdosta, Ga. Since then we have revisited supporting churches in Bowdon Ga., Millbrook, Roanoke, Wattsville, Birmingham and North Port, Alabama. The church in North Port Al, Rices Valley Baptist Church with Pastor Delaney, that we visited on May 29 was the only supporting church that we had not seen in 14 years! It was so good to be together…

March-April 2024

Lord willing we will be arriving in America on May 7th for a four month furlough. We plan to be in at least 40 churches updating what the Lord has allowed us to be a part of for the past 12 years. I had mentioned in the previous letter that I was going to have a Danish man help with an update presentation; but instead the Lord placed on my mind a young Bulgarian brother that we’ve known since 2012. His name is George Gospodinov. I am so grateful for his help with the presentation.

February 16 to 27 we had the privilege to have Pastor Jonathan Doss and his wife, Sarah, with us from  S.C.  Bro. Doss, Chris, Zac, and I were with the Maulucci family for three days in a city, north of us, and nearby villages giving out the Word of God. We had a great time getting out the Gospel together…

January – February 2024

I want to thank all of you that continue to support us financially and pray for us and this work; you are prayed for by us also “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” Phil. 1:3. Thank you all that gave special offerings in January. I am not shocked but never cease to be amazed how the Lord through you fulfills Luke 6:38 in our lives “Give and it shall be given unto you…. shall men give into your bosom”.

What a privilege it is to be a channel of Gods blessings and work. Kensey (oldest daughter, studying at PCC) was with us from December 15 till January 17, 2024. Missy and I are grateful that our daughter who is on her own is now living for the Lord Jesus herself and wanted to be with us for the holiday break. We were also told by our son Josh…

October-December 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

Wow! This year has flown by. In October the Maulucci family were working almost everyday of the month in the west of country. I had the opportunity to work with them for a week. We were able to be in many towns and villages giving out the Word of Life. Praise God we had some good conversations with a few as well. The Lord can give the increase to the seed that was sown. We were in 220 villages and small towns and gave out 25,1458 John/Romans during the month.

November was less active in the streets. However I did manage to go to two Turkish villages with Bro. Ali. He speaks Turkish and is a local Pastor about 20 min, away from us…

August-September 2023

Dear Supporters,

8th container update– After 8 weeks of spreading the Word, the Lord has allowed the Nick Maulucci family, a couple Bulgarian families, and our family to give out John/Romans to 5 cities = 7,553 homes (74 cities remain) and 100 villages = 8,824 homes (2,471 villages remain). That’s 16,149 books that have been distributed throughout this country these past 2 months! ( I Cor. 15:58- “your labour is not in vain in the Lord”!). This is not to mention tracts that have been given to individuals. I know we do not live in times of great harvest, but still a few are coming to faith in Christ Jesus. He is worthy, however, even if no one gets saved!

Baptism in Karnobat ministry

June-July 2023

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,  

As always it is wonderful to see people come to faith in Christ and follow him in baptism. In the April/ May letter I told you that we had 7 candidates for baptism. On June 25 however 9 people followed our Lord in believer’s baptism. One of them was Christopher, our 8 year old son. We ask that you continue to pray for the work in Karnobat. There are a number of youth that need to be born-again. We are praying for them and preaching the Word to them. The Lord must give the increase! Pray for Bojidar, Andrew, Maria, Reni, Atanas, Jivko, Acen, Ani, Pepi. These are a few of the teenagers that have come to our services and have heard the Gospel. They must submit to the Lord and choose Him above their own pleasures and desires.

Bulgarovo– We continue to meet in the center of our little town. Last Sunday, a man named Todor…

April-May 2023

Returned to us
– Missy and Zac returned to us on Jan.  27 with no problems praise the Lord. So good to have them back and Missy to be playing the piano again for Church services. However Alyssa has helped a lot playing the violin and Subin with the guitar. In January we were able to give out books of John/Romans to 7 villages about and hour and half away for us. We must drive that far now to get to a new village that we haven’t been to as of yet. Still a lot to do though. While in the grocery store in the city of Burgas, Alyssa gave a gospel tract to a lady.  This lady and her family are from Germany but have been living here in Bulgaria for sometime. She (Ana) had been praying for the Lord to show her where she could go to church. According to her words when she saw how the girls were dressed she knew we were Christians. Looks still make a difference and impress upon others that we are different than the world. Christ Jesus has given us a good & godly standard to live by. She has been driving an hour with her well behaved six children almost every Sunday to our services in Karnobat…

February-March 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

Bulgarovo– In the beginning of April after talking again with a man named Stoicho Kalvaldjiev (he also lives here in Bulgarovo), I agreed to rent one of his public places in the center for a meeting place on Sunday evenings. We have prayed for quite some time for a public place to meet. Not everyone is willing to rent us a place for the preaching of the Gospel in our little town; however Stoicho is! We are praying for he and his wife’s salvation. This place is directly in the center and was a bar. We have turned it into a spiritual healing house rather house of ale! I also will mention and thank two churches which have recently taken us on for support. Old Paths Baptist Church of Holley, NY and Bible Believer’s Baptist Church of Virgina Beach, VA. With their help, without having said anything prior to you all about renting this new place, the Lord has provided nearly the entire cost for the…

December 2022-January 2023

Our Trip to America– While in the US we were able to spend Thanksgiving with friends and family of which we haven’t done since 2011. We were able to report back to our home church and be a blessing to them as they were to us. However we spent most of the time in Deland, Fl. at Josh and Emma’s church of which Bro. James Knox is the Pastor. I’m grateful to both my pastor, Bro. Rodriguez and Bro. Knox for allowing me to preach the Word in their pulpits. Of course the wedding was a highlight to say the least. It was beautiful and there were many teary eyes of joy! Is there such a thing :)? We are so grateful to be officially in laws! The Lord is the perfect match maker. You young people that aren’t married yet, keep that in mind! Kensey our oldest daughter will be starting PCC Lord willing January 23. I’d appreciate your prayers for our little girl that isn’t little anymore.  I will ask you to pray for Missy and Zach that the Lord blesses their remaining time in America. They are due to return to us on Friday, January 27…

October-November 2022

Opening service on October 2nd – Bro, Manny our Pastor and his wife Maria were able to be with us as was planned! Someone counted close to 80 people in attendance. The church was packed. At the end  Bro. Manny gave the invitation and three people came forward (two women and one man). We haven’t heard much from the two ladies; but Christo has shown himself, along with his wife Meglina, to have sincerely given their lives to the Lord. I had the privilege to baptize them on Oct. 22, along with another lady named Radka, who’s been coming for awhile. The following Saturday Christo, his wife, and little girl went out with us giving out Bible Portions in three villages! They have not missed a service since October 2nd unless they were at work. Christo’s brother Kiril was saved and baptized in 2019. Kiril and his wife, Radka (she too was baptized on the 22nd ), have been more faithful since Christo’s salvation of which we are grateful. We are praying and ask you to pray with us for Acen their…

August-September 2022

Building project in Karnobat– In our last letter I mentioned that I’d like to see the Lord provide another $12,000 to finish the project. I am grateful to report to you that in July $3600 was given and in August $3400 was given! We are grateful to each of you for giving and praying for this ministry. God is working in and through us! Little by little we are reaching these people with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe and hope of course that once we move into the new location that it will give us the means by which to grow in every way. Bro. Asen, my wife Missy, and I were at the church today (9/5) painting the basement. We are planning for our opening service on October 2, 2022. That is quickly approaching. Our Pastor, Bro. Emanuel Rodriguez, and his wife, Maria, are going to be with us. It will be their first time here to visit us and we are excited about them coming, seeing the work firsthand, and getting to know our people…

June-July 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

Stateside – We were in the States from May 2 to June 13. Praise the Lord we were able to accomplish everything we had hoped to while in the States! That included going to my younger brother’s wedding, Kensey’s graduation, plus we received Zachary’s US Certificate of Citizenship just to mention a few main things. We traveled more  than 6000 miles, visited our Home Church and updated 7 other supporting churches. One of which that voted to be a supporting church that first Sunday of being there. Thank you Pastor Merideth Sears and brethren at Coastal Light Baptist Church, Charleston SC for coming on board with us! We want to say a special thanks to you that gave  above and beyond your regular gifts in May! Those airline fairs ain’t cheap neither is fuel/food but the Lord supplies through…

April-May 2022

Dear supporters,

The Ministry in Bulgarovo – Two weeks before went left for the States we met a young family in Bulgarovo, Atanas Atanasov, his wife, Tanya, and their two daughters. They attended our home Bible study two weeks in a row. They are the first family  in Bulgarovo that has expressed a serious desire to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord work in their lives and build a holy, godly ministry in our town. I’m not sure that Atanas is saved yet so please pray for his salvation. They do seem to be very sincere of which we are thrilled!

In Karnobat – April 24 we had Resurrection Sunday and the place was packed with 37…

February-March 2022

Dear supporters,

We arrived in the USA on May 2, in Orlando, Florida. We were met by our son Joshua, his fiancee, Emma, and some other family members. Praise the Lord! There weren’t any unpleasant incidents while traveling; and we didn’t have to wear masks anywhere! We are in the States until June 13. Our oldest daughter, Kensey, is graduating; and we are hoping to get, Zac, our youngest son’s citizenship finalized during this trip.

The Ministry in Bulgarovo – Two weeks before went left for the States we met a young family in Bulgarovo, Atanas Atanasov, his wife, Tanya, and their two daughters. They attended our home Bible study two weeks in a row. They are the first family  in Bulgarovo that has expressed a serious desire…

December 2021-January 2022

Happy New Year!

The first week of December we had the privilege to be in Bansko, a city in the Southwest part of the country. We were harrassed by the local Orthodox priest. He evidently sent out three big guys to scare us and hinder the endeaver to spread the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the residents….It comes with the territory, 2 Tim. 3:12; but it didn’t work! Thank the Lord we still managed to get the Word out there!  Along with that city we were in 15 villages that week. Total books given out in December till the present 1/9/22 are 3952- 1 city, 36 villages. That’s three families and a few of the youth hitting the streets every week unless its raining. Praise the Lord to be a part of this work…

October-November 2021

In October we had the privilege to give out 8,592 books in 38 cities and villages. As of 11/22, 10,410 books were sown in 27 cities and villages for the month of November. Again we thank our Lord for His protection in sowing the Word of God. Just a few days ago we received two response cards from folks who received the John and Romans.  I sent them the book “Napraveno (Направено) or Done” to help them in their most holy faith. We know you pray for us; please know that we pray for you as well. See our website for pictures and videos as well as other information! May God bless and keep us in His way while doing His work!      

We have some exciting news! After church last Sunday Bro. Kolyo mentioned he had seen a house for sale and we could go check it out. We only planned on driving by to see the outside and to know its location. The owners happened to be there and we were able to see the inside as well. We were…

August-September 2021

Dear Brethren (and Sistren),

In August we were in 5 cities, 27 villages, gave out 14,632 and 1,376 miles of travel. In September we have so far to this date (9/13/21) been in 4 cities, 18 villages, have given out 9400 books of Bible Portions and we have traveled 595 miles for this endeavor! If only one soul was genuinely born again by God’s amazing grace would it not be worth it all? Indeed it would! Thank the Lord for the safety he has provided.

In the village of Basarbovo I received a response card back from a lady named Donka Pencheva. I went to meet her personally and make sure she received the extra information I had sent her a couple…

June-July 2021

Sowing the Seed– For the entire month of June Bro. Nick Maulucci had planned a thorough but rigorous plan to give out the books of John/Roman every day of the month besides Sunday. The first two weeks were canvassing in northwest Bulgaria and the remaining time in the southwest. Here are some of the numbers that he put together: 24 work days, 4 church days, 1 travel day, 10 days over 90 degrees, 1 physical assult (punched in the face….I can’t claim it), 4 countries seen from near the borders of Serbia, Romania, Greece and Macedonia, 10 people witnessed to, 2 police checks, 4 confrontations with Mayors, 3 police harassments, 14 cities done, 223 villages done, 140 miles walked (5.8 miles a day), 216 hours worked (9 hrs a day), 38,781 books/houses (1,116 a day), $1,511 in fuel expenses & 5,910 (197 a day) miles driven! Chris and I worked 7 of the 24 days during this month. I am grateful that we were able to share in these labours with the Maulucci family and 8 others that helped. Two of which were…

April-May 2021

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Church House/Property, Karnobat work– We are still in the process of getting advice and inquiring about the possibility of buying the little lot for 6k. We also heard about another place that was for sale back in February. This second place is in an ideal location and has two buildings ready for use as a church. We made an offer to which the owner refused. We took turns praying and fasting for several weeks. After which we went back to speak with the owner on April 15. He was not in the least bit willing to negiotate his asking price and was even insulting to me personally as a preacher of the Gospel. So the answer was “NO”. I sincerely desire the Lord to work in this man’s life that he would sell this place to us for a fair price. A third option has come availible across the street from where we meet at the moment. There are…

February-March 2021

Dear friends in Christ Jesus,

Last year as we were trying to come home for the furlough we had bought airline tickets that had to be canceled and and a refund was requested. We bought 8 more tickets with a different airline to get back to the US as needed. Its been almost a full year and 5 of the 8 have just been refunded! We would appreciate your prayers in getting refunded for the other 3.

Since the last update, praise God, we have traveled over 3000 miles, given out the Word of our Lord in 2 major cities and hundreds of villages around beautiful Bulgaria! In one distant village we had the privilege to meet an elderly lady that told us she has considered suicide because of how lonely she is. We…

December 2020-January 2021


We left America after a six month furlough on November 17 to return to our mission field. Everything went smoothly on our trip back to Bulgaria. When we arrived in Sofia we didn’t have a Covid 19 test so airport personnel filled out paperwork on us and said we could get tested or quarantine for 10 days. The authorities never called or came by to check up on us though they could have. I got tested… it was negative so I was free to go about doing the shopping, paying bills and visiting some the neighbors and the church folk in Karnobat. We arrived back on Wednesday, Nov. 18 and on Thursday had a evening service via online. It was real good to be back in the saddle speaking Bulgarian and endeavoring to minister to the locals here. By November 29 we were all able to go back to Karnobat for normal…

October-November 2020

Dear brethren and friends in Christ,

We have finally wrapped up our furlough having visited 48 churches and driven more than 20k miles! The time has flown, God has been gracious, the churches have been generous and the brethren in Bulgaria are anticipating our return. We have been able to accomplish most of the things that we had planned to do on this furlough, praise the Lord! We had four new supporters in October… Praise the Lord for these new partners in the gospel ministry. I should have written to you a little sooner but wanted to wait until we were actually leaving for the field. We are through TSA in the Charlotte, NC airport and are awaiting our first flight back to Bulgaria! Its been so good and a huge blessing to be in the states this time and to see and visit all that we were able. Thank you all…. The God of heaven and earth, The Lord Jesus Christ…

August-September 2020

Dear praying friends,

God has graciously provided safety in our travels and has richly blessed us through the brethren. We are grateful for each and every one of you that have allowed us to be an extension of your local churches these past 10 years. We are thankful that you have partnered with us in reaching Bulgaria with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have visited and updated 25 more churches since the last letter now totaling 36. We have 11 more churches that we desire to visit and update this furlough. Pray that we will be able to accomplish this in these uncertain times. Most churches are still not back up to normal attendance…..

June-July 2020

Dear brethren,

As of now we have been back in the USA for 71 days and have visited thus far 11 supporting churches including our sending church in Beaufort, SC. We have been to churches in NC, SC, GA, FL, MS, TX and NM and have traveled more than 6000 miles! While heading to NM we were experiencing some issues with the Excursion overheating. That particular day it was a record high of 106 without A/C! I managed to baby it to the church in Carlsbad NM. The next day the Pastor of the Church put us in contact with a mechanic, Bro. Tony Rodriguez. Long story short, God put us in the right place with the right man who was able to order the right part! Afterwards we were giving Praise to HIS glory! We haven’t had any more problems since then. Praise the Lord! Bro. Tony didn’t charge us anything for the labor. God bless him…