October-November 2022
Opening service on October 2nd – Bro, Manny our Pastor and his wife Maria were able to be with us as was planned! Someone counted close to 80 people in attendance. The church was packed. At the end Bro. Manny gave the invitation and three people came forward (two women and one man). We haven’t heard much from the two ladies; but Christo has shown himself, along with his wife Meglina, to have sincerely given their lives to the Lord. I had the privilege to baptize them on Oct. 22, along with another lady named Radka, who’s been coming for awhile. The following Saturday Christo, his wife, and little girl went out with us giving out Bible Portions in three villages! They have not missed a service since October 2nd unless they were at work. Christo’s brother Kiril was saved and baptized in 2019. Kiril and his wife, Radka (she too was baptized on the 22nd ), have been more faithful since Christo’s salvation of which we are grateful. We are praying and ask you to pray with us for Acen their dad. He is very friendly but hasn’t yet been born-again like his wife, sons, and daughter in laws. Before moving into the new church house we were averaging between 20 and 30. Now we are averaging between 30 and 40 every service. Please visit our website to see pictures of the opening service and recent baptisms.
Needed Funds– We have gotten to a good place with the renovations. I had mentioned in the June/July letter that we needed another $12K to finish everything. Since then a total of $7645 has been given (Praise the Lord and Thank you First Baptist, Parishville, NY for giving $645 in October). That leaves $4355 of what I had originally mentioned. We still need to put a metal roof on the other buildings to the right of the main church building, pour a concrete slab for parking and install a fence and metal door on the left side. These are not urgent priorities but things that need to be done when the funds are available. It is exciting to see what the Lord has been doing lately in our midst.
US visit– Our son Josh and his fiance, Emma Jenson, are getting married on December 10th. We are so thankful to one of our supporting churches for purchasing our tickets to attend their wedding. We will be in America from Nov. 21 to Dec. 23. If anyone would like to contact me during these days send me an email and I will get back with you. I don’t have a Stateside mobile # yet. Missy and Zachary will be staying a month longer than me, Alyssa, Kaitlin, and Chris because she wants to take Kensey to PCC to start college in Jan. One more child leaving home…some of you understand. God bless and use us all until we hear the trumpet sound and are raptured from this world!
Yours in Christ Jesus – The Kessler’s