April-May 2022
Dear supporters,
The Ministry in Bulgarovo – Two weeks before went left for the States we met a young family in Bulgarovo, Atanas Atanasov, his wife, Tanya, and their two daughters. They attended our home Bible study two weeks in a row. They are the first family in Bulgarovo that has expressed a serious desire to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord work in their lives and build a holy, godly ministry in our town. I’m not sure that Atanas is saved yet so please pray for his salvation. They do seem to be very sincere of which we are thrilled!
In Karnobat – April 24 we had Resurrection Sunday and the place was packed with 37 people! We are grateful for all those who came and continue to attend the meetings. We continue to have visitors both young and old despite our current location. I wonder how the Lord will work and move in the hearts and lives of people once we move into the new church. It will certainly give us much more potential for growth. On that note the renovations are going well. Bro. Slavi and crew are doing a fantastic job! Please pray for them and their families also. You can see our website for photos of the building project. We currently have $6000 to work with; but more will be needed to finish. The Lord knows what we need to complete it all. We are grateful for you that have given!
A special thanks to one of our supporters that gave $2000 extra in April.
The Lord bless you all and the various ministries you are involved in.
Bro. Danny Kessler and Family