January 2025
Dear Churches and individual supporters,
I trust that you had a good holiday with family and/or friends. May God work in our lives in a wonderful way this new year.
1 Corinthians 1: 3, 4- The God of all comfort… in all our tribulation… that we may be able to comfort. God has been there all the way to comfort, strengthen, encourage, and provide through this journey. We have been able to witness and encourage or be encouraged by people in Bulgaria, Greece, on the plane to America, and in the hospital here in Jacksonville, Fl. Had we not gone through this situation, we most likely would not have ever met these people. We are so grateful to report to you that as of December 18th Alyssa’s health began to significantly improve! We took the advice from the medical team to give her a tried and tested treatment that has worked. When our boys and I went to see her on December 20th at the hospital we were finally able to talk to our Alyssa and fellowship with her in a refreshin way. She was happy and back to herself! Alyssa was discharged on Monday, December 30th .
She has some recovering to do but is doing so much better. Praise the Lord! She is so glad to be out of the hospital and back with the family.
We thank the Lord for Baptist Medical Center, Jacksonville Fl for their care and generousity to our family. All the nurses were so thankful when she started to mend; as some of them are christians and were praying for her also.
We are so grateful for the gifts and sacrafices of the family of God during this time. In December there were many special gifts sent to help with medical expenses and travel. The $35,000 has been returned in full. Our bills will be paid in full this month too. There were two new churches that gave and three individuals. There were churches that sent special offerings for Christmas as well. God bless you all! The Saints of God are the best people in the world. I can’t imagine going through this without the family of God. Thank you all for your prayers and financial help!
Grace Baptist Church in Baldwin, FL, and Pastor Duane Jowers have been a huge blessing. We are parked with our camper here on their property; and attending their church while here in the Jacksonville area. We have been at this church since December 2nd. They aren’t a supporting church but have treated us as such. We are so thankful for their generousity.
We are planning to go to our home church next weekend. Alyssa is looking froward to seeing everyone we can while here. At this point we dont know when we will return to Bulgaria. Please pray with us that we will be able to return as soon as possible. We plan to see a specialist and have follow up visits with her current doctor. We need your prayers in doing these necessary things before going back to the field.
The church is doing good in Bulgaria under the care of Pastor Ivolin Minkov, who we studied the language with for the first two years.
My US cell number is 904-889-3524 if anyone wants to reach me. God bless you all!
Bro. Danny Kessler and Family